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Motorcycle Accident Attorney


Las carreteras de Florida pueden ser peligrosas para cualquiera. Pueden ser aún más peligrosos para nuestros compañeros conductores y pasajeros de motocicletas. Con poco para protegerlos del impacto, a menudo sufren lesiones graves o catastróficas que pueden resultar en cirugía, amputación, cicatrices significativas o la muerte. Estas lesiones físicas se ven agravadas por la presión financiera que pesa sobre las víctimas y sus familias. A medida que se acumulan las facturas médicas, también lo hace el tiempo perdido en el trabajo. Esta puede ser una combinación frustrante.


A pesar de las campañas para enseñar a los conductores de vehículos motorizados a tener más cuidado y estar atentos a los que conducen motocicletas, Florida se ubica como uno de los estados más mortíferos para las motocicletas, con más de 600 muertos solo en 2015. Algunas de las causas más comunes de choques que involucran motocicletas incluyen:

  • Conducción distraída
  • Conducción bajo influjo de drogas y/o alcohol
  • No prestar atención
  • Exceso de velocidad
  • Cambio de carril inadecuado
  • Enviar mensajes de texto
  • Conducción agresiva

Si usted o un ser querido han resultado lesionados debido a un accidente de motocicleta, comuníquese con Presser Law, P.A. para una EVALUACIÓN DE CASO GRATUITA. Inmediatamente comenzaremos a investigar su caso y responderemos cualquier pregunta que pueda tener.


En Presser Law, P.A., luchamos por usted porque las víctimas de lesiones merecen justicia. Le proporcionaremos orientación legal e información sobre su caso y exploraremos cuestiones de culpa, causalidad y daños para que podamos luchar para brindarle la justicia que se merece.


Manejamos casos en toda Florida y no hay tarifas ni costos a menos que hagamos una recuperación económica para usted.

Get a Free Case Review

If you or someone you know has suffered a personal injury, Presser Law, P.A. is here to help.


Call 407-216-2000 or click the button below to schedule a consultation.

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Amy Dayton

I was referred to Justin Presser by my chiropractor. Mr Presser and his staff have been abssolutely amazing at handling my case. Anytime I called or emailed they always responded and would also update me along the way. I highly recommend this law firm. They have been wonderful.


Mr. Justin and Ashleigh provided a very professional service on my case. They were prompt in responding to my inquiries, and the quality of the work on the case of Mr. Justin was outstanding. I would recommend Presser Law to anyone looking to get the job done. Thanks again.


Presser and his team were very easy to work with. The whole process went smooth and I can’t thank them enough for everything. Ashley and Presser always kept me in the loop and was very responsive when I had questions. I would highly recommend Presser Law!

Consulta 100% Gratis

Revisión de caso GRATUITA: no hay tarifas ni costos para usted a menos que hagamos una recuperación

Motorcycle Accident Attorney


Florida roadways can be dangerous for anyone.  They can be even more dangerous for our fellow drivers and passengers on motorcycles. With little to protect them from impact, they oftentimes sustain a serious or catastrophic injury which may result in surgery, amputation, significant scarring or death.  These physical injuries are compounded by the financial strain placed on victims and their families.  As medical bills accumulate, so does time lost from work. This can be a frustrating combination.


Despite campaigns to teach drivers of motor vehicles to be more careful and look out for those on motorcycles, Florida ranks as one of the deadliest states for motorcycles – with over 600 killed in 2015 alone.  Some of the most common causes of crashes involving motorcycles include:

  • Distracted driving
  • DUI
  • Failing to pay attention
  • Speeding
  • Improper lane change
  • Texting
  • Aggressive driving

If you or a loved one have been injured due to a motorcycle crash, contact Presser Law, P.A. for a FREE CASE EVALUATION.  We will immediately start to investigate your case and answer any questions you may have.


At Presser Law, P.A., we fight for you because justice is what injury victims deserve.  We will provide you with legal guidance and insight about your case and explore issues of fault, causation and damages so that we can fight to bring you the justice you deserve.


We handle cases throughout Florida and there are no fees or costs unless we make a recovery for you.

Client Testimonials

Get a Free Case Review

If you or someone you know has suffered a personal injury, Presser Law, P.A. is here to help.


Call 407-216-2000 or click the button below to schedule a consultation.

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